Residential rates are based on a Service Availability Charge or base rate, Volumetric Charge for Operations and a Volumetric Charge for Debt Repayment with Volumetric Charges determined by the amount of water used. Water usage is measured in CCF, or is Hundred Cubic Feet. For example, 1 CCF is equal to 750 gallons. These three components determine the amount of the monthly bill for sewer charges. For more information, please CLICK HERE to view the complete rate ordinance.
(Rates Effective January 1, 2021)
Size Water Meter Furnishing Water |
Inside City Limits |
Outside City Limits |
5/8" |
$ 12.93 |
$ 19.47 |
3/4" |
$ 16.71 |
$ 25.07 |
1" |
$ 25.27 |
$ 37.91 |
(Rates Effective January 1, 2021)
Volume of Water Consumed |
Inside City Limits |
Outside City Limits |
Per 100 cu. ft |
$2.22 |
$3.33 |
(Rates Effective January 1, 2021)
Volume of Water Consumed |
Inside City Limits |
Outside City Limits |
Per 100 cu. ft |
$2.58 |
$3.87 |
This billing process began for residential customers when the City of Little Rock Board of Directors passed Ordinance 18,752 on September 17, 2002. The current Ordinance 20,080 continues with this billing method.
Customers are billed on the average winter consumption (AWC). The AWC is based on the billing months of October, November, December, January, February, and March. The customer must have consumption greater than zero in three of the six months. Once the average is computed, the customer is assigned an AWC.
If the customer has a change in actual consumption records during the AWC period, the customer may make a written request asking for a review of his/her AWC to Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority, Accounting Dept, 11 Clearwater Drive, Little Rock, AR 72204 or you can email LRWRA Customer Service at
Those new residential customers who do not meet the criteria will be billed on actual consumption until an AWC can be calculated. The AWC calculations for the new customers are done in April of each year.
A customer may qualify for payment of sewer rates payable according to the Wastewater Rate Subsidy Program by submitting a written application, as provided by the City of Little Rock Department of Public Works, Solid Waste Division for the Solid Waste Fee Increase Subsidy Program, and if approved by Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority, such customer will pay the minimum service availability charge for the size water meter located at the customer's residence.
Applications and assistance can be obtained by contacting any Little Rock Alert Facility or CLICK HERE.
Building sewer permits are required for all residential, commercial, and industrial connections to the sanitary sewer system. The owner or agent must contact the LRWRA Permits Desk to purchase the permit and supply any plans, specifications, or other pertinent information. All permit fees are specified in the Consolidated Fee Schedule, updated annually.
Contact the LRWRA Permits Desk by phone at (501) 688-1420, by email at, or visit the Permits Desk at 11 Clearwater Drive, Little Rock, AR 72204 for any questions regarding connections or permits.
Commercial and Industrial customer charges are based on the water metered during the current month. Some commercial and industrial customers that do not return water to the wastewater collection system can request a diversion flow meter that is installed and maintained at the user's expense. These meters must be inspected prior to operation and must be available for inspection by LRWRA staff.
Commercial customers are billed based on three charges: Service Availability, Volumetric Charge for Operations and Volumetric Charge for Debt Repayment. The service availability charge is the minimum monthly bill that includes meter size. The volumetric charge starts at 0 cubic feet for the month and is based on your water usage. For more information, please CLICK HERE to view the complete rate ordinance.
(Rates Effective January 1, 2021)
Size Water Meter Furnishing Water |
Inside City Limits |
Outside City Limits |
5/8" |
$ 12.98 |
$ 19.47 |
3/4" |
$ 16.71 |
$ 25.07 |
1" |
$ 25.27 |
$ 37.91 |
1 1/2" |
$ 44.62 |
$ 66.93 |
2" |
$ 69.24 |
$ 103.86 |
3" |
$ 126.54 |
$ 189.82 |
4" |
$ 208.65 |
$ 312.97 |
6" or larger |
$ 413.81 |
$ 620.72 |
(Rates Effective January 1, 2021)
Volume of Water Consumed |
Inside City Limits |
Outside City Limits |
Per 100 cu. ft |
$ 3.47 |
$ 5.21 |
(Rates Effective January 1, 2021)
Volume of Water Consumed |
Inside City Limits |
Outside City Limits |
Per 100 cu. ft |
$3.03 |
$4.55 |
Commercial and industrial customers are required to provide wastewater treatment as necessary to comply with the LRWRA Ordinance and any facilities necessary for compliance are provided, operated and maintained at the customer's expense. Detailed plans describing such facilities and operating procedures must be submitted to LRWRA for review and approval.
The pretreatment ordinance was developed to regulate the discharge of industrial wastewater to the public sewer system. In addition to regulating the public sewer systems, this ordinance gives LRWRA the authority to penalize violators that disturb the public sewer system.
Commercial and industrial customers are responsible and must also comply with all state and federal regulations applicable to their specific operations. The following are links for access to state and federal regulations and requirements:
Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality
US Environmental Protection Agency
For even more information regarding commercial connections, you may submit your request through the LRWRA Request system.