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Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority is committed to reclaiming and treating water to ensure it is safe to return to the environment. Many items are frequently flushed or poured down the drain and they harm our shared sewer system. When these 'Unflushables' enter our system, they affect all ratepayers, even those doing their part to maintain the system. Some items can be hazardous and may end up in our local waterways. These materials can also cause backups into your home, sewer releases into the environment, and can impact the cost of maintaining the system. You may be surprised by the items that can cause damage to not only your plumbing, but our environment.

It’s time to do your part to prevent clogs, backups, and other costly repairs that affect our shared system and your home. It’s simple –Remember to only flush the 3 Ps – Pee, Poop and Paper- toilet paper that is! Check out the ‘Unflushables’ below so the next time you see someone flushing these items you can remind them, “Don’t Flush That!”

Paper only please.

Paper only please.

Toilet paper is the only item other than pee and poop that can breakdown in our sewer system. Anything else can hurt the environment and cause costly damages. The average cost to clean a drain is between $160 and $450. Don’t take these chances with your drains! DON’T FLUSH THAT!

Water Facts Heading
  • Most of the world’s water is salty or otherwise undrinkable, another 2% is locked in ice caps and glaciers. Only 1% of the world’s water supply can be used as drinking water.
  • As the sanitary sewer service for the city of Little Rock, our process serves over 67,600 homes and businesses and over 1,400 miles of public sewers.
  • Flushing the toilet is the largest use of household water.
  • Much of the nation’s underground pipes have a lifespan of 75 to 100 years and are now due for replacement.
  • Our process begins as wastewater and is transported from homes and businesses to one of three water reclamation facilities. These facilities have the capacity to treat up to 56 million gallons of used water a day.
  • At our water reclamation treatment facilities, we use a safe and natural process to treat this “used” water, and return it to the environment—in our case, this is the Arkansas River.
  • The water released in Little Rock is at least seven times cleaner than the water in the Arkansas River.
  • A one-day national disruption in water service would cause a loss of $22.5 billion in national GDP.
  • Closing the national water infrastructure investment gap would create 1.3 million American jobs.

Activities & Resources

Hey parents and teachers, be sure your little ones are able to identify what should and should not go down the drain! Download this activity so they can help Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority protect our sewer system, our environment and our One Water.


Check out other ways you can do your part and remember to tell friends and family 'Don’t Flush That!' if it doesn't belong in our drains!

Learn more about Wastewater Treatment

Learn more about how you can help

Learn more about Wastewater Treatment Water Use

Learn more about the essence of our One Water

Learn more about pharmaceutical products in wastewater

Download this activity

In the News

Don't Flush That!

November 13, 2019 | Arkansas Today

LR Water Reclamation Authority: Don't Flush That!

November 7, 2019 | Good Day | Fox 16

Are flushable wipes actually safe to be flushed?

November 6, 2019 | News at 6 | THV-11

First News with Kevin Miller

November 4, 2019 | KARN News Radio

The Vine: 'Don't Flush That' campaign aims to clear waterways in central Arkansas

October 29, 2019 | Wake Up Central | THV- 11

'Don't Flush That' campaign aims to clear waterways in central Arkansas

October 23, 2019 | The Vine | THV- 11

LRWRA understands that water is vital for the health and safety of communities and ensures a safe and clean process when water is disposed from homes, businesses and the streets.