Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority has made a huge leap towards a cleaner, environmentally friendly future with our FREE Can the Grease© program. Can the Grease was started as a way to educate our 63,000 customers on the proper disposal of grease and oils. Our Can the Grease program offers a solution to the non-capacity overflow problem. We educate the public on proper grease disposal and provide an aluminum can with heat-resistant liners for the residents to dispose of their grease and oils. All of this we supply to the public free of charge.
Can the Grease began Friday, July 19, 2002, with door-to-door distribution. We picked 4 strategic areas of Little Rock that needed grease relief immediately. We passed out kits that included the Can the Grease can, 3 heat-resistant liners, magnets with a mail-in coupon for a free refill of liners, and a brochure on how to keep your sewer lines free of grease buildup.
Two months before we began our program there were 11 dry weather overflows for that entire month. This was mainly attributed to grease in the lines. In 2006, our city experienced just 13 grease-related dry weather overflows for the entire year!
As more and more of our city's citizens are receiving Can the Grease, we are spreading awareness and continuing to see improved sewer lines. This schema has been a great triumph for our organization, for the public, and for the environment. Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority has bettered its community and inspired other communities to do the same. If you have any questions or concerns about this issue or other related issues, do not hesitate to contact us at 501.688.1490 or email us at
Doing your part to preserve our shared system and protect the future of the One Water we all share can start with participating in one of the FREE programs we offer, or by taking advantage of our reimbursement program that saves you thousands on replacing faulty private sewer lines that can impact the lines around you.
LRWRA offers FREE programs designed to protect the investment you’ve made into your home and the investment we’re making into protecting communities and the environment. These programs also help save ratepayers money on repairing and cleaning up after costly backups into homes or sewer releases into our environment.
Take a look at the free and easy programs we offer to help you do your part in maintaining the system.