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Bid Opportunities

Click here to see current bid opportunities.

The work we do at the Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority requires teamwork from dedicated vendor partners who specialize in a variety of fields. Whether you are a registered vendor or just beginning to explore opportunities with LRWRA, you may view business opportunities by clicking the above link.

If you have not already done so, you are encouraged to register a Vendor Profile so you can receive email notifications of bid opportunities and submit bid responses online. Please see Vendor Registration below for more information.

If you have any questions about our bid opportunities, please email the Procurement Department at

Vendor Registration

Our vendor portal has changed! The Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority has partnered with Pulaski County, Central Arkansas Water, the City of Conway, the City of Helena-West Helena, and the Little Rock Convention & Visitors Bureau to create the AR Bid Online Procurement System, or AR Bid. This one-stop shop allows vendors to conveniently access all agencies' bid opportunities from a single portal.

The Benefits of Creating A Supplier Profile
Create one profile to receive automatic email notifications of bid opportunities from the partnered agencies. Choose multiple categories and commodity codes to determine the type of bid notifications that will be received. Bid responses may be submitted online through the AR Bid system. IT'S FREE. There is no cost to register your company, access bid opportunities, or submit an online bid response.

Click here to register a Supplier Profile with AR Bid our new online procurement system.

Although registration is not required to view bid items, it is required to receive email notifications of bid opportunities and to be able to submit online bid responses.
During the registration process, vendors can subscribe to the various categories and subcategories of their business's specialization. When a bid item is posted that matches their subscribed category, they should receive an email notification. Vendors will not receive notification if the bid item does not match their subscribed category.

Click here for Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority’s Purchase Order Terms and Conditions.


If you have any questions about our bid opportunities, please call 501.688.1465 or email

If you experience technical difficulties during your registration process or with logging into your existing account, please contact Romanitha Jones at 501.492.4900.


Using your money wisely is important to us. We believe that transparency is an essential part of the service we provide. Below are financial reports to keep you informed of the financial status of our organization, and a breakdown of how we use your money to provide the best processes in the water reclamation industry.

Where Does Your Money Go

The Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority understands that every dollar you earn is important to you. So it is important to us that your dollars be spent wisely in creating a better quality of life for you and your family. Today, the average Little Rock customer has an Average Winter Consumption (AWC) of 5 and the total used water charge on the average domestic bill in Little Rock is $36.93. Your money goes for collection system maintenance, sewage treatment, capital improvements and debt payments.

Pie Chart: Debt Payment Highlighted

Debt Payment


For principal and interest payments for State Revolving Loans.

Pie Chart: Treatment Highlighted



System operations at the Adams Field, Fourche Creek,and Little Maumelle Treatment Facilities.

Pie Chart: Capital Improvements Highlighted

Capital Improvements


Includes improvements to the collection system, pump stations, transportation equipment, general plant, wastewater treatment plant and unsewered areas.

Pie Chart: Collection Highlighted



Maintenance of facilities such as pipes, pump stations, and other facilities used to transport wastewater.

Financial Reports

Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority's initial Financial Report was developed in compliance with Statement of Governmental Accounting Standard No. 34, entitled "Basis Financial Statements — Management's Discussion and Analysis — For State and Local Governments" (GASB 34).

LRWRA is responsible for the financial statements and related information included in this report. A system of internal accounting controls is maintained to provide reasonable assurance that assets are safeguarded and that the books and records reflect only authorized transactions.

LRWRA's system of internal accounting controls is evaluated on an ongoing basis by internal financial staff. Independent external auditors also consider certain elements of the internal control system in order to determine their auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the financial statements.

One member of the Little Rock Water Reclamation Commission along with the CEO and division managers form the Budget Committee. This commission establishes the goals and financial objectives for the coming year and future years. Each month, financial statements are presented to the Little Rock Water Reclamation Commission to show that operations are being conducted according to management's intentions.

LRWRA management believes that its policies and procedures provide guidance and reasonable assurance that the LRWRA's operations are conducted according to management's intentions and to a high standard of business ethics. In our view, the financial statements present fairly — in all material respects — the financial position, results of operations and cash flow of LRWRA in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States

Fiscal Year Budgets:

2025 Annual Operating Budget & Capital Improvement Plan

2024 Annual Operating Budget & Capital Improvement Plan

LRWRA 2023 Financial Audit:

2023 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report

2023 Single Audit Reports

LRWRA Previous Years Audits:

2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002

Annual Report:

Under Arkansas State Law, also known as "The Arkansas Municipal Water and Sewer Department Accounting Law of 1973", Title 14, Chapter 237, Section 113 (publication of financial statements) states that the operating authority shall publish annual financial statements of receipts and expenditures along with a statement of the indebtedness and financial condition.

Public Notice

Monthly Reports:

Following are monthly financial statements available for download:

February 2025 Statement of Net Income

February 2025 Statement of Cash Flow

February 2025 Statement of Net Position

Capital Improvements

Improvements Are Underway

Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority is in the process of capital improvement projects throughout the City. These projects include improvements in the collections system, unsewered areas, reclamation facilities, pump stations and wet weather peak flow detention.

This map outlines the locations and types of projects planned by LRWRA. It indicates that the capital improvements are distributed throughout our City to allow LRWRA to upgrade all major facilities, which will result in the most up-to-date, efficient wastewater treatment for all our citizens.

2010 System Evaluation and Capacity Assurance (SECAP) Update

The following documents outline the update to the Capital Improvement Plan to eliminate overflows and bring the wastewater system into compliance with the Consent Administrative Order and settlement agreement by 2023.

Final Report

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C-1

Appendix C-2

Appendix C-3

Appendix C-4

Appendix C-5

Appendix C-6

Amendment 1

2010 SECAP Update Amendment No. 2

Original 2002 System Evaluation and Capacity Assurance (SECAP) Report

The following documents outline the original Capital Improvement Plan to eliminate overflows and bring the wastewater system into compliance with the Consent Administrative Order and settlement agreement by 2016. The following document outlines the agreement between the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) and Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority (LRWRA).

2002 SECAP

Consent Administrative Order

Amendment 1

Amendment 2

2022 CAO Annual Report

Sierra Club Settlement

The following documents outline the original agreement with the Sierra Club as well as the annual reports as published by Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority as part of the settlement agreement.

Settlement Agreement

Sierra Club Closure Report

Previous SCAR reports:

2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003

Required SECAP Update Projects

Overflow Mitigation Projects (OMP)

Collection System Management Plan (CSMP)

Sanitary Sewer Overflow Response Plan (SSORP)

Dry Weather Overflow Compliance Letter